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Rumah > electric boiler

Ketel Gas vs Ketel Listrik: Mana yang lebih baik?

Are you wondering which type of boiler is right for your home? Learn about the pros and cons of gas and electric boilers to help you make an informed decision.

Ketel Listrik vs Ketel Minyak: Mana yang Tepat untuk Anda?

Discover the differences between electric and oil boilers as we compare their efficiency, biaya pemasangan, and environmental impact for home heating solutions.

Ketel Listrik: Solusi Pemanasan yang Efisien dan Ramah Lingkungan

Looking for an efficient electric boiler installation? Learn tips for energy-efficient heating and make your home cozy and sustainable.

Bagaimana cara menghitung efisiensi ketel listrik?

Electric boiler efficiency is usually 99%, considerably higher than the 89%-95% range for most highly-efficient condensing boilers.