Fangkuai ロゴ
バイオマス蒸気発生器 - 効率的で持続可能なエネルギー ソリューション

バイオマス蒸気発生器 - 効率的で持続可能なエネルギー ソリューション

  1. Our Biomass Steam Generator is a cutting-edge technology that provides an efficient and sustainable energy solution. By utilizing renewable and organic materials, it produces steam with a minimal environmental impact.
  2. 容量: 2 に 20 tons
  3. プレッシャー: 0.5 に 2.5 MPa
  4. 応用: Our Biomass Steam Generator is suitable for various industries, including paper, 食べ物, 化学薬品, and textile. It is ideal for powering various equipment, such as steam turbines, engines, and boilers.
> 製品 > Biomass Steam Generator - 効率的で持続可能なエネルギー ソリューション

What Are Biomass Steam Generators?

Biomass steam generators are cutting-edge equipment that utilizes renewable and organic materials to produce steam with minimal environmental impact. They are an efficient and sustainable energy solution that can meet various energy needs across different industries.

How Does A Biomass Steam Generator Work?

Biomass steam generators work by burning organic materials such as wood chips, sawdust, and agricultural waste to produce heat. The heat then boils water in the generator, creating steam that can be used to power various equipment. The steam produced by the biomass steam generator is of high quality and can be used in different industrial applications.

Biomass Steam Generator Main Components

  • 燃焼室
  • 熱交換器
  • Fuel feeding system
  • Ash removal system
  • Control panel

Biomass Steam Generator Advantages

  • Environmentally friendly and sustainable energy solution
  • Lower carbon footprint compared to traditional energy sources
  • Higher efficiency and lower operating costs
  • Reduced dependency on fossil fuels
  • Easy maintenance and long lifespan

Biomass Steam Generator VS Coal Steam Generator

Compared to coal steam generators, biomass steam generators produce lower emissions and have a lower impact on the environment. They also have higher fuel flexibility, allowing them to use various organic materials as fuel. さらに, biomass steam generators have a higher efficiency and lower operating costs, making them a more economical and sustainable option.

私たちを選ぶ理由? Fangkuai Boiler is a leading manufacturer of biomass steam generators, committed to providing innovative and sustainable energy solutions to our clients. Our biomass steam generators are made of high-quality materials and are designed for easy installation and maintenance. With our reliable products and exceptional customer service, we ensure that our clients receive the best value for their investments.

Biomass Steam Generator Manufacturers

方厦ボイラーにて, we are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest-quality biomass steam generators. Our products are designed and manufactured by a team of experienced professionals, ensuring that our clients receive the best value for their investment.

Biomass Steam Generator Goods Delivery

We provide timely and reliable delivery of our biomass steam generators to our clients. Our products are carefully packaged and delivered with the utmost care to ensure that they arrive in excellent condition.

優れた品質と数十年の経験に基づいて, FANGKUAIが製造した装置はさまざまな国に輸出されました. 機器は当社の工場で梱包され、積み込まれます, その後、安全かつ健全に顧客に出荷されます.

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    遅延なし, 得る 3 今日の引用 最安値を比較 安全で信頼できる
  • 4.8 / 5


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モデル 容量 (Ton) プレッシャー (MPa) Steam Temperature () 熱効率 (%) 燃費 (kg/h)
2ton 2 0.7-1.6 170-204 ≥80 413-837
3ton 3 0.7-1.6 170-204 ≥80 618-1255
4ton 4 0.7-1.6 170-204 ≥80 825-1674
5ton 5 0.7-1.6 170-204 ≥80 1030-2093
6ton 6 0.7-1.6 170-204 ≥80 1236-2511
8ton 8 0.7-1.6 170-204 ≥80 1650-3348
10ton 10 0.7-1.6 170-204 ≥80 2062-4186
12ton 12 0.7-1.6 170-204 ≥80 2475-5025
15ton 15 0.7-1.6 170-204 ≥80 3093-6278
20ton 20 0.7-1.6 170-204 ≥80 4124-8371

Note: The above specifications are for reference only and are subject to change based on specific requirements and customization.


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