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手頃な価格の電気蒸気ボイラー | お得なセールと割引

The price of the electric steam boiler depends on its capacity. 例えば, if you want to buy a small-scale electric steam boiler for domestic use, it will cost about $600. But if you need industrial boilers with high capacity, then their price may reach $10,000. There are also other factors that affect the price of an electric steam boiler; for example, its size and type of use (domestic or industrial).

Affordable Electric Steam Boiler Price Best Deals and Savings

How do electric steam boilers work?

Electric steam boiler working principle

Electric steam boilers generate steam by heating water using electric elements. When electricity flows through these elements, they heat up and transfer the heat to the water. 水が温まるにつれて, それは蒸気に変わります, which is then used for various applications such as space heating, process heating, or domestic hot water production.

What are the advantages of an electric steam boiler?

Electric steam boilers offer several benefits over traditional gas or oil-fired boilers, 含む:

  • Energy efficiency: Electric boilers can achieve efficiency ratings of up to 99%, resulting in lower energy bills.
  • 環境上の利点: Electric boilers produce no direct carbon emissions, making them a more environmentally friendly option.
  • Easy installation: Electric boilers do not require a gas supply or flue system, simplifying the installation process.
  • Quiet operation: Electric boilers produce minimal noise during operation, contributing to a more comfortable environment.
  • Low maintenance: Electric boilers have fewer moving parts than traditional boilers, resulting in lower maintenance requirements.

What is the efficiency of an electric steam boiler?

The efficiency of an electric steam boiler can be as high as 99%. This high efficiency is achieved because electric boilers do not lose heat through a flue system, as is the case with traditional gas or oil-fired boilers. さらに, electric boilers have minimal heat loss during operation, further improving their efficiency.


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What are the applications of electric steam boilers?

Electric steam boiler for sale

Electric steam boilers are widely used in various industries due to their efficiency, environmental benefits, 設置のしやすさと. Some prominent applications of electric steam boilers in the industry include:

  • 織物産業: Electric steam boilers can be used for dyeing, 乾燥, and other processes in the textile industry. The electrification of steam boilers in the textile industry has the potential to save significant amounts of energy, with estimated annual energy savings of around 92 PJ in China, 2.4 PJ in Japan, そして 2.5 PJ in Taiwan by 2050.
  • Food Processing Industry: Electric steam boilers are used for cooking, 殺菌, and other processes in the food processing industry. They provide a clean and efficient source of steam, which is essential for maintaining the quality and safety of food products.
  • Pharmaceutical Industry: Electric steam boilers are used in the pharmaceutical industry for processes such as sterilization, 蒸留, and extraction. They provide a consistent and precise source of steam, which is crucial for maintaining the quality and efficacy of pharmaceutical products.
  • Chemical Manufacturing: Electric steam boilers are used in chemical manufacturing processes that require heat or steam, such as in reactions, distillations, and evaporations.

In addition to these industries, electric steam boilers can also be used in other applications where clean and efficient steam is required, 病院などで, laundries, and breweries.

Textile manufacturing

Textile manufacturing

What are the different types of electric steam boilers?

There are several types of electric steam boilers available in the market, each designed to cater to different applications and requirements. Some common types of electric steam boilers include:

  • Electric resistance steam boilers: These boilers generate steam by heating water using electric resistance elements. They are suitable for various commercial and industrial applications and can provide fast, efficient, and economical steam for heating and process through the use of electric resistance elements.
  • Electrode steam boilers: Electrode boilers use submerged electrodes in the water to generate heat through electrical resistance. These boilers can respond more quickly to changes in demand, making them suitable for applications that require rapid steam generation.
  • Electric hot water boilers: These boilers heat water directly and are suitable for both space heating and domestic hot water production in residential and commercial settings.
  • Electric combi boilers: Electric combi boilers combine the functions of a hot water boiler and a central heating boiler in a single unit, making them ideal for smaller spaces.

commercial electric boiler

What is the difference between an electric boiler and an electrode boiler?

Both electric boilers and electrode boilers use electricity to generate heat. しかし, there are some key differences between the two:

  • 電気ボイラー use electric elements to directly heat the water, while electrode boilers use electrodes submerged in the water to generate heat through electrical resistance.
  • Electric boilers typically have a higher efficiency rating than electrode boilers, as there is less heat loss in electric boilers.
  • Electrode boilers can respond more quickly to changes in demand, making them suitable for applications that require rapid steam generation.
  • Electric boilers are generally easier to maintain, as they have fewer components and do not require regular electrode replacement.

How much does an electric steam boiler cost?

Electric steam boiler Price

The price of an electric steam boiler depends on its capacity and size. The price is also affected by the type of boiler, as there are many different types available.

サイズ (kW) 効率 (%) Estimated Price Range (USD)
100-150 95-99 $12,000 – $20,000
150-200 95-99 $20,000 – $30,000
200-300 95-99 $30,000 – $45,000
300-400 95-99 $45,000 – $60,000
400-500 95-99 $60,000 – $80,000


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結論は, electric steam boilers offer numerous advantages, including high efficiency, environmental benefits, and easy installation. By understanding their operation, アプリケーション, and differences from other boiler types, you can make an informed decision about whether an electric steam boiler is the right choice for your needs.

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  • "Fangkuai の蒸気ボイラーは、私の食品加工事業に最適です. それは私たちのすべての要件を満たし、非常に信頼できます. 材料の品質とボイラーの構造は並外れたものです. また、操作とメンテナンスが非常に簡単です, これにより、メンテナンスの時間と費用を節約できました. Fangkuai の蒸気ボイラーは、信頼性の高い暖房ソリューションを必要としている人に強くお勧めします。"



  • "Fangkuai の熱油ボイラーは、操作と保守が非常に簡単です。. メンテナンスの時間と費用を節約するのに役立ちました, これは大幅なコスト削減につながりました. 材料の品質とボイラーの構造は並外れたものです. また、非常にエネルギー効率が良い, これにより、光熱費を節約できました. Fangkuaiの熱油ボイラーを強くお勧めします ."



  • "Fangkuai の蒸気発生器は優れています. それらは非常に使いやすく、最小限のメンテナンスしか必要としません。. Fangkuaiのカスタマーサービスも格別です. 彼らは非常に反応がよく、いつでも喜んで助けてくれます. 蒸気発生器のエネルギー効率も素晴らしい, これにより、光熱費を節約できました. Fangkuai の蒸気発生器を強くお勧めします。"



  • "Fangkuai の顧客サービスは一流です. 彼らは私のニーズに最適なボイラーを選択するのを手伝ってくれ、プロセス全体を通して素晴らしいサポートを提供してくれました. 設置プロセスも非常にスムーズで、ボイラーは私の期待を上回りました. 使用とメンテナンスが非常に簡単です, そしてエネルギー効率は驚くべきものです. Fangkuai の製品は、信頼性が高く効率的な暖房ソリューションを必要としているすべての人に強くお勧めします。"



  • "Fangkuaiの温水ボイラーの品質に非常に感銘を受けています. 長持ちするように作られており、私の期待を上回りました. インストールプロセスも非常にスムーズで、カスタマーサービスは優れていました. 温水ボイラーは操作とメンテナンスが非常に簡単です, そしてエネルギー効率は驚くべきものです. Fangkuai の温水ボイラーを強くお勧めします。"



  • "Fangkuai の熱油ボイラーは、操作と保守が非常に簡単です。. メンテナンスの時間と費用を節約するのに役立ちました, これは大幅なコスト削減につながりました. 材料の品質とボイラーの構造は並外れたものです. また、非常にエネルギー効率が良い, これにより、光熱費を節約できました. Fangkuaiの熱油ボイラーを強くお勧めします ."



  • "Fangkuaiの温水ボイラーの品質に非常に感銘を受けています. 長持ちするように作られており、私の期待を上回りました. インストールプロセスも非常にスムーズで、カスタマーサービスは優れていました. 温水ボイラーは操作とメンテナンスが非常に簡単です, そしてエネルギー効率は驚くべきものです. Fangkuai の温水ボイラーを強くお勧めします。"



  • "Fangkuai の蒸気ボイラーは、私の食品加工事業に最適です. それは私たちのすべての要件を満たし、非常に信頼できます. 材料の品質とボイラーの構造は並外れたものです. また、操作とメンテナンスが非常に簡単です, これにより、メンテナンスの時間と費用を節約できました. Fangkuai の蒸気ボイラーは、信頼性の高い暖房ソリューションを必要としている人に強くお勧めします。"



  • "Fangkuai の顧客サービスは一流です. 彼らは私のニーズに最適なボイラーを選択するのを手伝ってくれ、プロセス全体を通して素晴らしいサポートを提供してくれました. 設置プロセスも非常にスムーズで、ボイラーは私の期待を上回りました. 使用とメンテナンスが非常に簡単です, そしてエネルギー効率は驚くべきものです. Fangkuai の製品は、信頼性が高く効率的な暖房ソリューションを必要としているすべての人に強くお勧めします。"


