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Арилжааны газрын тосны бойлер: Онцлогууд, Ашиг тус, болон шилдэг брэндүүд

Арилжааны газрын тосны бойлер: Онцлогууд, Ашиг тус, болон шилдэг брэндүүд

A commercial oil boiler is a closed vessel used to heat fluid, typically water, for various heating applications in commercial settings. These boilers use oil as fuel, such as diesel or gasoline, and are designed to provide rugged, найдвартай, and low-maintenance heating solutions for light commercial through large institutional applications. Commercial oil boilers are popular in areas with limited access to natural gas and can offer an opportunity to use renewable fuels for heating.

  1. Хүчин чадал:100kW to 10,000kW
  2. Даралт:0.5 bar to 10 баар
  3. Өргөдөл: hotel, эрүүл мэндийн үйлчилгээ, education, restaurant, office building, industrial, гэх мэт.
Гэр > Бүтээгдэхүүн > Commercial Oil Boilers: Онцлогууд, Ашиг тус, болон шилдэг брэндүүд

Product Specifications:

  • Fuel Type: Газрын тос
  • Efficiency Rating: High-efficiency models with an efficiency rating of up to 95%
  • Construction: Robust and durable construction with high-quality materials
  • Дулаан солилцуур: Advanced heat exchanger technology for optimal heat transfer
  • Удирдлагын систем: User-friendly control system with a digital interface for easy operation and monitoring
  • Аюулгүй байдлын онцлогууд: Built-in safety mechanisms, including pressure relief valve and temperature controls
  • Байгаль орчны Compliance: Designed to meet environmental standards and regulations
  • Warranty: Manufacturer’s warranty included for peace of mind

Our commercial oil boilers are engineered to deliver exceptional performance, эрчим хүчний үр ашиг, and reliability in various commercial applications. Whether you need to heat a small office space or a large industrial facility, our boilers provide consistent and efficient heating solutions.

commercial oil boiler


  • Top-notch Efficiency

    Our Commercial Oil Boiler boasts an impressive 94% efficiency rating, which means it converts 94% of the fuel it consumes into usable heat. This incredible efficiency translates to significant energy savings and a reduced carbon footprint, making it an environmentally friendly choice for your business.

  • Unparalleled Performance

    This boiler is a powerhouse, capable of producing an impressive output range of 50,000 руу 1,000,000 BTUs. This means that no matter the size of your commercial space, our boiler has the capacity to keep it warm and comfortable even during the coldest months.

  • Advanced Technology

    Our Commercial Oil Boiler is equipped with the latest technology, including a modulating burner that adjusts the heat output according to your specific needs. This not only ensures optimal comfort but also helps conserve energy by preventing overheating.

  • Easy Installation and Maintenance

    The compact design of our boiler allows for easy installation in tight spaces, making it an ideal choice for various commercial settings. Түүнээс гадна, the user-friendly control panel simplifies operation and maintenance, allowing you to focus on running your business instead of constantly monitoring your heating system.

  • Long-lasting Durability

    Constructed with high-quality materials, our Commercial Oil Boiler is built to last. The robust cast iron heat exchanger and corrosion-resistant components ensure that your boiler will provide reliable heating for years to come.

  • Unbeatable Warranty

    We stand behind our product with an industry-leading 5-year warranty on the heat exchanger and a 2-year warranty on parts. This guarantees your investment is protected and provides peace of mind that you’re choosing a reliable product.

Бойлерийн үнийн саналыг ҮНЭГҮЙ аваарай

  1. ✔Орон нутгийн уурын зуухны үнийн саналыг өнөөдөр ҮНЭГҮЙ аваарай
  2. ✔Хамгийн сайн үнийг харьцуул
  3. ✔Өнөөдөр шинэ бойлер дээрээ мөнгөө хэмнээрэй!

Миний үнэ төлбөргүй үнийн саналыг яг одоо аваарай

Types of Commercial Oil Boilers

  • Ердийн зуух: Also known as regular or traditional boilers, these are the most basic type of oil boiler. They have a storage tank for hot water and a separate cylinder for cold water storage. Conventional boilers are suitable for large commercial properties with high hot water demands.
  • Спамжек системийн шугам: System boilers incorporate a built-in hot water cylinder, eliminating the need for a separate cylinder. They are more compact and easier to install compared to conventional boilers. System boilers are suitable for medium-sized commercial properties.
  • Комби бойлер: Combination or combi boilers are compact units that provide heating and hot water on demand. They do not require any additional storage tanks or cylinders, making them space-saving options. Combi boilers are suitable for smaller commercial properties with lower hot water demands.
  • Floor Standing Boilers: These boilers are larger in size and are designed to be installed on the floor. They are commonly used in larger commercial buildings or industrial settings where high heat outputs are required. Floor-standing boilers are available in various capacities to meet different heating demands.
  • Модулярын зуух: Modular boilers consist of multiple smaller units that can be combined to meet the heating requirements of larger commercial properties. They offer flexibility and scalability, allowing for easy expansion or adjustment of the heating system as needed.
  • Конденсацийн бойлер: Condensing boilers are designed to maximize energy efficiency by extracting heat from the flue gases. They have a secondary heat exchanger that cools the flue gases, causing water vapor to condense and release additional heat. Condensing boilers are highly efficient and help reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions.

Хэрэглэгчийн гэрчлэл

Our new commercial oil boiler has made a huge difference in our energy bills. The consistent heat and reliability have exceeded our expectations. Highly recommended!” – John S., Бизнесийн эзэн

We upgraded to a commercial oil boiler last year, and it has been a game-changer for our business. The energy savings alone have made it worth the investment.” – Rebecca L., Байгууламжийн менежер

I can’t say enough good things about our new oil boiler. It’s efficient, найдвартай, and has significantly improved the comfort of our building.” – Michael T., Building Owner

Бараа хүргэлт

Сайн чанар, олон арван жилийн туршлага дээр үндэслэсэн, FANGKUAI-ийн үйлдвэрлэсэн тоног төхөөрөмжийг өөр өөр улс оронд экспортолсон. Тоног төхөөрөмжийг манай үйлдвэрт савлаж ачих болно, дараа нь үйлчлүүлэгчиддээ аюулгүй, найдвартай тээвэрлэнэ.

Бараа хүргэлт

    Ямар ч саатал байхгүй, авах 3 өнөөдрийн ишлэлүүд Хамгийн сайн үнээр харьцуулна уу Аюулгүй, найдвартай
  • 4.8 / 5


  • Үнийн санал хүсэлт гаргах


Техникийн параметрүүд

Төрөл Дулааны хүч Уурын даралт Steam temperature Дулааны үр ашиг Шатахуун Урт * Өргөн * Өндөр Hot water production
Нэгж Мв МПа °C % мм т/ц; 10/60°C
T7-2800 2.8 -0.02 93.5 105.50% Байгалийн хий 4800 * 1870 * 2530 48
T7-4200 4.2 5700 * 2080 * 2880 72
T7-7000 7 7400 * 2750 * 3500 120
Төрөл Thermal Power Steam Pressure Rated Steam Temperature Thermal Efficiency Шатахуун Урт * Өргөн * Өндөр Hot Water Production
Нэгж Мв МПа °C % мм т/ц; 10/60°C
T6-700 0.7 -0.02 93.5 105.50% Байгалийн хий 3300 * 1200 * 2100 12
T6-1400 1.4 3900 * 1550 * 2620 24
T6-2800 2.8 4910 * 1830 * 3000 48

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