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Fangkuai лого
Өндөр үр ашигтай хийн уурын генератор

Өндөр үр ашигтай хийн уурын генератор

  1. Our high-efficiency gas steam generator is the perfect solution for your steam needs. With advanced combustion technology, this generator produces high-quality steam quickly and efficiently, making it ideal for a wide range of applications.
  2. Хүчин чадал: 0.5-10 т/ц
  3. Даралт: 0.7-2.5 МПа
  4. Өргөдөл: Our gas steam generator is suitable for a variety of industries, үүнд хүнсний боловсруулалт, эмийн бүтээгдэхүүн, химийн үйлдвэрлэл, болон бусад.
Гэр > Бүтээгдэхүүн > High-Efficiency Gas Steam Generator

What Are Gas Steam Generators?

Gas steam generators are high-performance machines that produce steam by heating water using natural gas or propane. They are widely used in various industries for a variety of applications, such as sterilization, cleaning, and heating.

How Does A Gas Steam Generator Work?

A gas steam generator works by burning natural gas or propane to heat a water-filled boiler. The heat generated by the burner converts the water into steam, which can then be used for various industrial applications.

Gas Steam Generator Main Components

  • Шатаагч
  • Бойлер
  • Water feed system
  • Удирдлагын систем

Gas Steam Generator Advantages

  • Өндөр дулааны үр ашиг
  • Low NOx emissions
  • Fast steam production
  • Easy to install and maintain
  • Safe and reliable operation

Gas Steam Generator VS Coal Steam Generator

Gas steam generators offer several advantages over coal steam generators, including higher thermal efficiency, lower emissions, and easier maintenance. They are also more environmentally friendly and cost-effective in the long run.

Яагаад биднийг сонгох вэ?

As a leading manufacturer of gas steam generators, Fangkuai Boiler has a proven track record of delivering high-quality, reliable products that meet the needs of our customers. Our gas steam generators are designed with advanced technology and are backed by excellent customer service and support.

Gas Steam Generator Manufacturers

Fangkuai Boiler is one of the leading manufacturers of gas steam generators in the industry. Our products are designed and manufactured to meet the highest standards of quality and performance, and we are committed to delivering reliable and efficient solutions to our customers.

Gas Steam Generator Goods Delivery

Fangkuai бойлер дээр, we are dedicated to providing timely and efficient delivery of our products. Our experienced logistics team works closely with our customers to ensure that their orders are delivered on time and in excellent condition.

Сайн чанар, олон арван жилийн туршлага дээр үндэслэсэн, FANGKUAI-ийн үйлдвэрлэсэн тоног төхөөрөмжийг өөр өөр улс оронд экспортолсон. Тоног төхөөрөмжийг манай үйлдвэрт савлаж ачих болно, дараа нь үйлчлүүлэгчиддээ аюулгүй, найдвартай тээвэрлэнэ.

Бараа хүргэлт

    Ямар ч саатал байхгүй, авах 3 өнөөдрийн ишлэлүүд Хамгийн сайн үнээр харьцуулна уу Аюулгүй, найдвартай
  • 4.8 / 5


  • Үнийн санал хүсэлт гаргах


Техникийн параметрүүд

Загвар Хүчин чадал (ton/hr) Даралтын хүрээ (МПа) Thermal Efficiency Шатахуун Ялгарал (mg/Nm3) Удирдлагын систем Certification Warranty
GS-0.5 0.5 0.7/1.0/1.25/1.6 92% Байгалийн хий, Propane <30 PLC МИНИЙ АДИЛ, CE, ISO9001 1 year
GS-1 1 0.7/1.0/1.25/1.6 92% Байгалийн хий, Propane <30 PLC МИНИЙ АДИЛ, CE, ISO9001 1 year
GS-2 2 0.7/1.0/1.25/1.6 93% Байгалийн хий, Propane <30 PLC МИНИЙ АДИЛ, CE, ISO9001 1 year
GS-3 3 0.7/1.0/1.25/1.6 94% Байгалийн хий, Propane <30 PLC МИНИЙ АДИЛ, CE, ISO9001 1 year
GS-4 4 0.7/1.0/1.25/1.6/2.45 94% Байгалийн хий, Propane <30 PLC МИНИЙ АДИЛ, CE, ISO9001 1 year
GS-6 6 0.7/1.0/1.25/1.6/2.45 95% Байгалийн хий, Propane <30 PLC МИНИЙ АДИЛ, CE, ISO9001 1 year
GS-8 8 0.7/1.0/1.25/1.6/2.45 95.5% Байгалийн хий, Propane <30 PLC МИНИЙ АДИЛ, CE, ISO9001 1 year
GS-10 10 0.7/1.0/1.25/1.6/2.45 96% Байгалийн хий, Propane <30 PLC МИНИЙ АДИЛ, CE, ISO9001 1 year
GS-12 12 0.7/1.0/1.25/1.6/2.45 96% Байгалийн хий, Propane <30 PLC МИНИЙ АДИЛ, CE, ISO9001 1 year
GS-15 15 0.7/1.0/1.25/1.6/2.45 96.5% Байгалийн хий, Propane <30 PLC МИНИЙ АДИЛ, CE, ISO9001 1 year
GS-20 20 0.7/1.0/1.25/1.6/2.45 97% Байгалийн хий, Propane <30 PLC МИНИЙ АДИЛ, CE, ISO9001 1 year

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