Логотип Фангкуай
Логотип Фангкуай
Дизельный водогрейный котел на продажу

Дизельный водогрейный котел на продажу

Diesel Hot Water Boiler is a cutting-edge heating solution designed to provide an efficient and reliable hot water supply. Engineered with advanced technology, this boiler combines high performance with exceptional energy efficiency. It’s compact design and robust construction ensure long-lasting durability and hassle-free operation.

  1. Емкость:10,000 к 500,000 БТЕ/час (British Thermal Units per hour).
  2. Давление:10 к 150 пси (фунтов на квадратный дюйм)
  3. Приложение: гостиницы, больницы, школы, factories, or agricultural facilities, residential buildings, коммерческие помещения, Пищевые заводы, и более.
Дом > Продукт > Diesel Hot Water Boiler For Sale

What is a Diesel Hot Water Boiler?

А diesel hot water boiler is a type of heating system that utilizes diesel fuel to heat water. It consists of a burner, камера сгорания, теплообменник, and a circulation pump. The burner ignites the diesel fuel, producing a flame that heats the water in the heat exchanger. The heated water is then circulated throughout the building or a specific area to provide warmth and hot water for various applications.

How Does a Diesel Hot Water Boiler Work?

When the diesel-fired hot water boiler is turned on, the burner initiates the combustion process by spraying diesel fuel into the combustion chamber. The fuel-air mixture is ignited, creating a flame that heats the heat exchanger. As the water passes through the heat exchanger, it absorbs the heat from the combustion process. The heated water is then pumped to the desired locations through pipes, радиаторы, или системы теплого пола, providing a consistent and efficient heat source.

Особенности и преимущества

Высокая эффективность

Our diesel boiler boasts an impressive efficiency rate, снижение энергопотребления и экономия денег на счетах за отопление.

Экологически чистый

Благодаря высокой эффективности, our diesel hot water boiler produces lower CO2 emissions compared to other heating systems, делая его более экологичным выбором.

Широкий спектр применения

Нужно ли вам отопление жилого дома, коммерческий, или промышленная собственность, our diesel hot water boiler is the perfect solution.

Прочный и надежный

Построено на совесть, our diesel hot water boiler ensures reliable heating for years to come with proper maintenance and care.

Простота обслуживания

Регулярное техническое обслуживание просто и понятно., ensuring your diesel hot water boiler remains in top condition and performs at its best.

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Diesel hot water boilers find applications in a wide range of settings, включая:

  • Residential buildings: Providing heating and hot water for homes and apartments.
  • Коммерческие здания: Supplying heat and hot water for offices, гостиницы, рестораны, и торговые площади.
  • Industrial facilities: Supporting manufacturing processes, отопление помещений, and hot water needs in factories and warehouses.
  • Agricultural settings: Assisting with heating applications in barns, greenhouses, and livestock facilities.
  • Construction sites: Offering temporary heating solutions during construction projects.

Choosing the Right Diesel Water Boiler

When selecting a diesel water boiler, следует учитывать несколько факторов:

  • Мощность нагрева: Determine the required heating capacity based on the size of the area or building you need to heat.
  • Рейтинг эффективности: Look for boilers with high-efficiency ratings to minimize energy consumption and reduce operating costs.
  • Потребление топлива: Consider the fuel consumption rate to estimate running costs and ensure the optimal efficiency of your boiler.
  • Space availability: Assess the available space for installation to choose a boiler that fits properly.
  • System compatibility: Ensure that the boiler is compatible with your existing heating system or consider any necessary modifications.
  • Brand reputation: Research and select a reputable brand known for manufacturing reliable and high-quality diesel water boilers.
  • Warranty and after-sales support: Look for boilers that come with a warranty and consider the availability of after-sales support for maintenance and repairs.

Отзывы клиентов

We recently installed a diesel hot water boiler in our office building, and the improvement in heating efficiency is remarkable. Not only are our energy bills lower, but the boiler also heats the space much more evenly. We couldn’t be happier with our decision.” – John D., Руководитель объекта

I switched to a diesel hot water boiler for my home, and my family has been raving about the improved heating. The boiler is also much quieter than our previous system, which is a big plus for us.” – Emma R., Homeowner

As an environmentally conscious business owner, I was thrilled to find a heating solution that not only saves me money but also reduces my carbon footprint. The diesel hot water boiler has been a fantastic addition to my facility, and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for an efficient heating system.” – Michael S., Business Owner

Готовы обновить вашу систему отопления?

Don’t wait any longer to experience the benefits of our diesel boiler. Свяжитесь с нами сегодня, чтобы узнать больше о наших продуктах и ​​получить индивидуальное предложение..

WhatsApp: +86 188-3890-8339

Электронная почта: котлы[email protected]

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    Без задержки, получать 3 котировки сегодня Сравните лучшие цены Безопасный и надежный
  • 4.8 / 5




Технические параметры

Типы Тепловая мощность Давление пара Тепловая эффективность Топливо Требуемая мощность Длина * Ширина * Высота Масса Камин
Единица МВт МПа % В/Гц мм т мм
CWNSL0.7-95/70-YQ 0.7 ≤1,25 96-98 Легкая нефть,
натуральный газ
380/50 3730 * 1950 * 2430 3.43 300
CWNSL1.4-95/70-YQ 1.4 3710 * 2270 * 2850 4.55 350
CWNSL2.1-95/70-YQ 2.1 4440 * 2360 * 3220 6.18 450
CWNSL2.8-95/70-YQ 2.8 5170 * 2520 * 3310 6.33 450
ВНС2.8-1.0-115(95)/70-YQ 2.8 5500 * 3260 * 3680 8.15 450
ВНС4.2-1.0-115(95)/70-YQ 4.2 6500 * 3530 * 4320 13.94 550
ВНС5.6-1.0-115(95)/70-YQ 5.6 7090 * 4030 * 4990 17.99 700
ВНС7-1.0-115(95)/70-YQ 7 7650 * 4040 * 5090 20.43 700
ВНС14-1.25-115(95)/70-YQ 14 9280 * 4350 * 5770 40.46 900

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